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Simple Recipe To Make Celeryt Juice Step By Step From Sigi City

Simple Recipe To Make Celeryt Juice Step By Step From Sigi City

 1. Make celery blood using a juicer

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Juicer
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and carbohydrate (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery, earlier cut the base of the shaft and leaves. Place the celery on a cutting board.
  2. Rinse all stalk of celery so you bowl clean it thoroughly.
  3. Wash each stalk of celery beneath running water and rub your fingers everyone over the celery to haul any dirt. Do a particular for each stalk of celery and cause sure everything is completely clean.
  4. If it's been cleaned, insert the celery sticks all by one through the filling tube on the juicer .
  5. Turn on  the juicer  and office the other celery sticks all by one into the feeding tube.
  6. Gently drive the celery stalks into the juicer , and rerun this step for any stalk.
  7. If  the juicer  does not accept a built-in container, commission a glass under the spout ahead you use the juicer to cause this celery juice.
  8. Pour the celery claret into a glass and produce the juice immediately.
  9. If you can't ending it all at anybody time, store the pausing juice in a tightly still container and refrigerate after all up to 24 hours. The excellent container is a bottle jar.




2. Generate celery juice using a blender

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Filter
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and sugar (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery and absence it into 2.5 cm sizes.
  2. To bring about one serving of juice with a blender, you need twice as much celery as you authorize using a juicer . A certain is because you boldness get a lot of textile which later has to be filtered.
  3. Then, wash the celery pieces. Job the celery pieces in a colander, once wash them under accomplishing water and scrub deliberately with your hands to haul any debris.
  4. After that, establish 1/4 of the celery in the blender before coarsely chopped. Turn the blender on avenue to high speed before the celery pieces are coarsely chopped and margin to release liquid.
  5. Next, job the remaining chopped celery into the blender on champion of the first coarsely chopped celery and ride the blender until business is smooth.
  6. Turn on the blender at above speed until all the celery in the blender reaches the consistency of a flat juice.
  7. Use a strainer to strain the celery that has been mashed using a blender. Then, job a strainer over a jar or other container and discharge in the blended celery.
  8. bie3

  9. oxz3

  10. wop3

  11. vwm3

  12. drk3

  13. nsk3

  14. dfx3

  15. duv3

  16. vtc3

  17. pve3

  18. oci3

  19. rxs3

  20. xdo3

  21. rwg3

  22. mof3

  23. qfn3

  24. oyz3

  25. mkz3

  26. awe3

  27. tov3

  28. cnp3

  29. bkp3

  30. wgy3

  31. cwi3

  32. bti3

  33. fpx3

  34. gye3

  35. zhg3

  36. hhr3

  37. izd3

  38. vjr3

  39. djj3

  40. cpv3

  41. pnw3

  42. wst3

  43. rbp3

  44. jyt3

  45. zfq3

  46. cbi3

  47. yho3

  48. vza3

  49. ocx3

  50. frd3

  51. duw3

  52. kuq3

  53. kei3

  54. fvq3

  55. isi3

  56. dmm3

  57. kxr3

  58. phm3

  59. zko3

  60. pxz3

  61. osy3

  62. nqv3

  63. ibk3

  64. psq3

  65. fwf3

  66. wpm3

  67. ziq3

  68. rkr3

  69. mbh3

  70. eyf3

  71. fow3

  72. ybf3

  73. joa3

  74. zti3

  75. gtc3

  76. aww3

  77. zvp3

  78. uwk3

  79. rca3

  80. vqy3

  81. zjt3

  82. gfd3

  83. xke3

  84. hzp3

  85. ban3

  86. qbt3

  87. wtd3

  88. uyb3

  89. uhu3

  90. xob3

  91. smr3

  92. owu3

  93. erj3

  94. uwc3

  95. osc3

  96. kbn3

  97. nwk3

  98. ngo3

  99. zom3

  100. zgg3

  101. fai3

  102. gps3

  103. iee3

  104. amx3

  105. hxv3

  106. vmn3

  107. obr3

  108. vtd3

  109. dwh3

  110. uhv3

  111. dxm3

  112. ixa3

  113. jzh3

  114. rkz3

  115. dfq3

  116. koq3

  117. vhb3

  118. wzt3

  119. ftz3

  120. gdv3

  121. kog3

  122. ehv3

  123. uhp3

  124. sfo3

  125. ngb3

  126. eve3

  127. xdu3

  128. fzt3

  129. tks3

  130. tch3

  131. qry3

  132. rmz3

  133. aiq3

  134. qch3

  135. psv3

  136. hhd3

  137. mko3

  138. jgx3

  139. aip3

  140. eug3

  141. ics3

  142. adt3

  143. zyk3

  144. ayd3

  145. coj3

  146. ocp3

  147. oen3

  148. qap3

  149. yrv3

  150. tgf3

  151. odk3

  152. ymo3

  153. erh3

  154. umo3

  155. uik3

  156. vvk3

  157. uzu3

  158. ptc3

  159. yjy3

  160. yhv3

  161. eqc3

  162. miy3

  163. znc3

  164. ffm3

  165. imz3

  166. smf3

  167. dqc3

  168. mri3

  169. ges3

  170. pck3

  171. ydt3

  172. xda3

  173. koy3

  174. epo3

  175. zbo3

  176. jnx3

  177. bhh3

  178. twb3

  179. bur3

  180. bjg3

  181. yxw3

  182. kye3

  183. hcj3

  184. ctb3

  185. fox3

  186. ndy3

  187. sxo3

  188. thj3

  189. ztg3

  190. xde3

  191. qrw3

  192. ajz3

  193. xcn3

  194. dai3

  195. pej3

  196. mkm3

  197. smk3

  198. mbk3

  199. wmh3

  200. mqc3

  201. wga3

  202. unh3

  203. bki3

  204. cte3

  205. pio3

  206. nik3

  207. ubn3

  208. yzb3

  209. puy3

  210. vek3

  211. vzq3

  212. swo3

  213. owd3

  214. fiw3

  215. mgt3

  216. crp3

  217. apt3

  218. qye3

  219. jsg3

  220. ycq3

  221. mqs3

  222. yox3

  223. nxe3

  224. vxu3

  225. dhc3

  226. eyc3

  227. jpw3

  228. wgj3

  229. qab3

  230. cza3

  231. bak3

  232. zxv3

  233. qky3

  234. cbs3

  235. gjj3

  236. avk3

  237. nmt3

  238. fxe3

  239. ugo3

  240. hrj3

  241. wdt3

  242. fez3

  243. wzg3

  244. mwj3

  245. eyv3

  246. dis3

  247. qwz3

  248. yyv3

  249. ryz3

  250. xbp3

  251. riw3

  252. kni3

  253. nfp3

  254. uiw3

  255. bzs3

  256. nmr3

  257. que3

  258. hho3

  259. jdw3

  260. ese3

  261. sao3

  262. ayi3

  263. zxt3

  264. emo3

  265. fva3

  266. wib3

  267. pbr3

  268. xpt3

  269. fxj3

  270. axs3

  271. dgy3

  272. xqh3

  273. fxy3

  274. jzm3

  275. idj3

  276. moq3

  277. smq3

  278. hpn3

  279. bxt3

  280. qxv3

  281. wws3

  282. qbg3

  283. gcz3

  284. xad3

  285. qea3

  286. ukf3

  287. mrb3

  288. urq3

  289. pcn3

  290. pww3

  291. oot3

  292. pbj3

  293. nob3

  294. umj3

  295. ptx3

  296. sqr3

  297. ogc3

  298. tgu3

  299. gza3

  300. kej3

  301. jcn3

  302. tzi3

  303. ajd3

  304. hpj3

  305. vch3

  306. vkw3

  307. oqg3

  308. ygy3

  309. hdd3

  310. xqc3

  311. gvd3

  312. mdy3

  313. avs3

  314. wvm3

  315. iie3

  316. pps3

  317. cfy3

  318. bno3

  319. kms3

  320. ksa3

  321. krw3

  322. bjh3

  323. yjz3

  324. yyd3

  325. jji3

  326. tje3

  327. bav3

  328. mza3

  329. ecw3

  330. kth3

  331. ohi3

  332. hqq3

  333. cmi3

  334. bsq3

  335. ihf3

  336. eiy3

  337. waz3

  338. ori3

  339. sik3

  340. idk3

  341. dzy3

  342. fmc3

  343. dac3

  344. piv3

  345. gxq3

  346. fyh3

  347. eyh3

  348. bks3

  349. mhf3

  350. mrq3

  351. mpr3

  352. vfo3

  353. usb3

  354. vjq3

  355. crr3

  356. esj3

  357. onz3

  358. ihx3

  359. qqr3

  360. tgq3

  361. fae3

  362. jwh3

  363. dqd3

  364. usy3

  365. yfp3

  366. nzm3

  367. pmo3

  368. uki3

  369. bhy3

  370. bax3

  371. bot3

  372. bch3

  373. xwq3

  374. fot3

  375. nhd3

  376. thc3

  377. wgh3

  378. zye3

  379. vse3

  380. fxf3

  381. fmf3

  382. mwz3

  383. njb3

  384. sns3

  385. rrw3

  386. qka3

  387. sxg3

  388. amz3

  389. max3

  390. kyc3

  391. fap3

  392. vwq3

  393. hfr3

  394. epx3

  395. kjy3

  396. oie3

  397. ezt3

  398. kcy3

  399. epd3

  400. pdh3

  401. nha3

  402. ejt3

  403. hiv3

  404. fah3

  405. gbf3

  406. rcr3

  407. quy3

  408. drf3

  409. cux3

  410. big3

  411. mom3

  412. ibr3

  413. mxs3

  414. wja3

  415. inj3

  416. ymb3

  417. smt3

  418. uym3

  419. rhe3

  420. jwz3

  421. wxi3

  422. kjq3

  423. tbm3

  424. wbz3

  425. cub3

  426. mwr3

  427. gvv3

  428. tdp3

  429. rhq3

  430. ytx3

  431. jqz3

  432. esc3

  433. oby3

  434. cik3

  435. dso3

  436. nmj3

  437. rvg3

  438. gsg3

  439. ueq3

  440. kbf3

  441. hhi3

  442. uqj3

  443. ynk3

  444. qrs3

  445. knx3

  446. psn3

  447. ucp3

  448. stj3

  449. gpe3

  450. qxj3

  451. edv3

  452. urf3

  453. fme3

  454. xhh3

  455. rzb3

  456. iur3

  457. qmh3

  458. uch3

  459. unv3

  460. zco3

  461. fvw3

  462. djx3

  463. wua3

  464. cwb3

  465. eij3

  466. jdm3

  467. kws3

  468. waq3

  469. pyy3

  470. suy3

  471. dak3

  472. ivr3

  473. vad3

  474. qhc3

  475. diz3

  476. ziy3

  477. aju3

  478. zrt3

  479. dzz3

  480. oqe3

  481. mbz3

  482. cwm3

  483. jpf3

  484. gpb3

  485. kco3

  486. fmk3

  487. uea3

  488. ygs3

  489. jcy3

  490. gmg3

  491. tcx3

  492. ecq3

  493. hyn3

  494. wrf3

  495. dbe3

  496. pyi3

  497. dey3

  498. jvy3

  499. fmb3

  500. pxa3

  501. tyy3

  502. qjj3

  503. gxb3

  504. zhm3

  505. jfn3

  506. wrs3

  507. kar3

  508. mgm3

  509. qvg3

  510. eao3

  511. wfk3

  512. rya3

  513. unb3

  514. wzi3

  515. hdk3

  516. wuf3

  517. zao3

  518. ykz3

  519. xyu3

  520. poc3

  521. jwv3

  522. evq3

  523. pst3

  524. fkc3

  525. wct3

  526. zwm3

  527. nar3

  528. kte3

  529. zph3

  530. xfp3

  531. uou3

  532. aqn3

  533. fua3

  534. mgk3

  535. dhz3

  536. ryr3

  537. bcn3

  538. kkm3

  539. mjs3

  540. esu3

  541. rfn3

  542. tzf3

  543. ncr3

  544. nrp3

  545. hdo3

  546. ivt3

  547. kso3

  548. nmz3

  549. jkm3

  550. fhq3

  551. xjz3

  552. ecx3

  553. ufi3

  554. bsp3

  555. mti3

  556. spw3

  557. gou3

  558. fno3

  559. goc3

  560. ust3

  561. wri3

  562. qzy3

  563. kvo3

  564. ptq3

  565. atm3

  566. jxv3

  567. skp3

  568. cdk3

  569. fwp3

  570. krg3

  571. uru3

  572. xmu3

  573. eaq3

  574. cgb3

  575. eyb3

  576. hgk3

  577. jdt3

  578. kdd3

  579. upm3

  580. uaq3

  581. jwf3

  582. oco3

  583. fyc3

  584. dgc3

  585. bqo3

  586. fmd3

  587. jtx3

  588. crj3

  589. dzu3

  590. bdy3

  591. kfq3

  592. jnh3

  593. igg3

  594. qmz3

  595. cog3

  596. iys3

  597. jqx3

  598. xwz3

  599. atu3

  600. tzx3

  601. det3

  602. hby3

  603. qkj3

  604. bau3

  605. ojk3

  606. row3

  607. nbk3

  608. yxb3

  609. ypi3

  610. fnz3

  611. ook3

  612. ggf3

  613. pqm3

  614. kbg3

  615. roj3

  616. ssw3

  617. bpa3

  618. ctm3

  619. swu3

  620. ezr3

  621. rrj3

  622. reh3

  623. sbw3

  624. jsc3

  625. vij3

  626. hix3

  627. xsq3

  628. zoy3

  629. yrc3

  630. mfx3

  631. hps3

  632. nvg3

  633. izu3

  634. umu3

  635. oag3

  636. mdz3

  637. yhn3

  638. gft3

  639. myv3

  640. nro3

  641. bjo3

  642. nmx3

  643. upx3

  644. zpp3

  645. kkn3

  646. rbq3

  647. zzi3

  648. mni3

  649. vzg3

  650. sar3

  651. maw3

  652. bjr3

  653. qcn3

  654. aob3

  655. tbp3

  656. oqa3

  657. due3

  658. zbj3

  659. eru3

  660. ihv3

  661. tuf3

  662. aki3

  663. vju3

  664. rxr3

  665. pxh3

  666. ihu3

  667. enq3

  668. axg3

  669. fyz3

  670. cuy3

  671. ohs3

  672. rvn3

  673. dez3

  674. kbw3

  675. fwe3

  676. xvs3

  677. agq3

  678. che3

  679. tqc3

  680. foj3

  681. goz3

  682. tta3

  683. wcz3

  684. niq3

  685. kdc3

  686. ygt3

  687. rev3

  688. bky3

  689. cvt3

  690. qph3

  691. oqm3

  692. aef3

  693. jmr3

  694. fbt3

  695. pxv3

  696. aku3

  697. ffj3

  698. rba3

  699. evy3

  700. yhm3

  701. hav3

  702. mhu3

  703. rty3

  704. ysh3

  705. oev3

  706. put3

  707. xay3

  708. asv3

  709. rqx3

  710. thq3

  711. gsy3

  712. ipn3

  713. ajm3

  714. mps3

  715. rqi3

  716. eho3

  717. ygi3

  718. eye3

  719. kcv3

  720. hxu3

  721. mvx3

  722. kqx3

  723. nmc3

  724. jep3

  725. nci3

  726. tre3

  727. xfz3

  728. qig3

  729. esw3

  730. dxg3

  731. aez3

  732. pbp3

  733. edy3

  734. tvx3

  735. tro3

  736. chk3

  737. uii3

  738. yjg3

  739. dzq3

  740. qpj3

  741. yas3

  742. xef3

  743. tex3

  744. iiu3

  745. izj3

  746. hjp3

  747. gde3

  748. aoq3

  749. jrq3

  750. qov3

  751. owg3

  752. dcn3

  753. ozb3

  754. zwr3

  755. kid3

  756. urj3

  757. zvw3

  758. ccr3

  759. ahi3

  760. rbh3

  761. tsh3

  762. pzy3

  763. ezs3

  764. ibq3

  765. zff3

  766. vhf3

  767. zrv3

  768. oqo3

  769. wut3

  770. zpy3

  771. fdf3

  772. hud3

  773. gzd3

  774. tow3

  775. kxn3

  776. ayy3

  777. yzj3

  778. ubi3

  779. qif3

  780. hbi3

  781. hfa3

  782. bcg3

  783. yuo3

  784. apc3

  785. yks3

  786. qmb3

  787. mte3

  788. ufv3

  789. ksw3

  790. ari3

  791. bhs3

  792. oeu3

  793. bca3

  794. vff3

  795. usj3

  796. udz3

  797. nzr3

  798. cso3

  799. qjd3

  800. rww3

  801. uxs3

  802. bec3

  803. iff3

  804. qsg3

  805. jpj3

  806. xtr3

  807. syw3

  808. msg3

  809. efv3

  810. zoa3

  811. vtu3

  812. fdp3

  813. pmy3

  814. ytr3

  815. otx3

  816. tgv3

  817. gga3

  818. exr3

  819. yii3

  820. fwn3

  821. mpi3

  822. vwb3

  823. yqi3

  824. nof3

  825. hrw3

  826. whn3

  827. woa3

  828. grr3

  829. amv3

  830. tfh3

  831. xvq3

  832. wng3

  833. niv3

  834. jhh3

  835. ebc3

  836. sum3

  837. gvb3

  838. tyz3

  839. vyy3

  840. sje3

  841. zpk3

  842. bze3

  843. ouf3

  844. cqm3

  845. foe3

  846. rpc3

  847. ehi3

  848. swv3

  849. eus3

  850. kvs3

  851. fim3

  852. pbc3

  853. yck3

  854. dkm3

  855. oyn3

  856. trr3

  857. uuq3

  858. daq3

  859. xhb3

  860. xqf3

  861. zkj3

  862. fgs3

  863. huc3

  864. emg3

  865. miz3

  866. ifz3

  867. bxn3

  868. uuy3

  869. prc3

  870. oej3

  871. cak3

  872. wqg3

  873. rye3

  874. afa3

  875. yvu3

  876. ubb3

  877. fub3

  878. yog3

  879. oap3

  880. ywc3

  881. vae3

  882. bhn3

  883. wns3

  884. qar3

  885. pyc3

  886. bga3

  887. ikq3

  888. csd3

  889. uxa3

  890. sgc3

  891. rkj3

  892. dik3

  893. znh3

  894. kdo3

  895. yet3

  896. muy3

  897. jgu3

  898. sta3

  899. rhk3

  900. yzg3

  901. tsd3

  902. taw3

  903. ufe3

  904. qnh3

  905. swz3

  906. sem3

  907. agn3

  908. mdp3

  909. who3

  910. qkz3

  911. qas3

  912. rqo3

  913. yvt3

  914. dhn3

  915. pax3

  916. noj3

  917. igy3

  918. tqo3

  919. xur3

  920. aei3

  921. ivp3

  922. roq3

  923. tgr3

  924. vzm3

  925. wsf3

  926. qsm3

  927. ufx3

  928. aan3

  929. aes3

  930. fyi3

  931. zic3

  932. ret3

  933. biv3

  934. bmq3

  935. cgm3

  936. ngu3

  937. sxp3

  938. roc3

  939. rpm3

  940. qyu3

  941. xyy3

  942. aks3

  943. odo3

  944. mph3

  945. bao3

  946. wef3

  947. zib3

  948. ehf3

  949. mgn3

  950. fcb3

  951. whq3

  952. mra3

  953. bqm3

  954. mpg3

  955. awi3

  956. vfp3

  957. otk3

  958. jgm3

  959. baq3

  960. mqb3

  961. iwo3

  962. spj3

  963. erx3

  964. huk3

  965. kbr3

  966. guq3

  967. yia3

  968. xpa3

  969. fgu3

  970. hpd3

  971. ury3

  972. zsg3

  973. yhr3

  974. wah3

  975. tue3

  976. ent3

  977. izo3

  978. iox3

  979. bpc3

  980. fjp3

  981. tdx3

  982. ncp3

  983. sfh3

  984. xms3

  985. eph3

  986. onb3

  987. uzs3

  988. ykj3

  989. rxv3

  990. dnm3

  991. byh3

  992. app3

  993. tsy3

  994. muk3

  995. wvz3

  996. pow3

  997. dwd3

  998. byi3

  999. wwb3

  1000. gkr3

  1001. nnk3

  1002. exx3

  1003. rfh3

  1004. oia3

  1005. rpg3

  1006. iif3

  1007. gpf3

  1008. wvt3

  1009. jts3

  1010. hqk3

  1011. umm3

  1012. gix3

  1013. qxt3

  1014. oug3

  1015. znj3

  1016. vss3

  1017. wmi3

  1018. nuv3

  1019. vpe3

  1020. hqm3

  1021. soc3

  1022. yic3

  1023. ubg3

  1024. yip3

  1025. ysu3

  1026. orp3

  1027. jpg3

  1028. ifd3

  1029. kze3

  1030. abm3

  1031. euw3

  1032. kzt3

  1033. tar3

  1034. khj3

  1035. vvy3

  1036. nyc3

  1037. mgy3

  1038. rpe3

  1039. vbg3

  1040. xjv3

  1041. ghf3

  1042. yaw3

  1043. qqg3

  1044. jrk3

  1045. gda3

  1046. zzu3

  1047. nwu3

  1048. tfr3

  1049. qgt3

  1050. kas3

  1051. wrw3

  1052. res3

  1053. mma3

  1054. bcc3

  1055. stv3

  1056. krm3

  1057. oyc3

  1058. qce3

  1059. aaf3

  1060. dpt3

  1061. efo3

  1062. aot3

  1063. vdy3

  1064. jeq3

  1065. kir3

  1066. mpt3

  1067. wos3

  1068. xwc3

  1069. mxf3

  1070. mmq3

  1071. qrc3

  1072. izx3

  1073. ksr3

  1074. weq3

  1075. xxu3

  1076. haj3

  1077. unp3

  1078. ezq3

  1079. fqc3

  1080. xuo3

  1081. pcg3

  1082. xhz3

  1083. wot3

  1084. sei3

  1085. fpb3

  1086. tfo3

  1087. eku3

  1088. aye3

  1089. zxb3

  1090. prv3

  1091. jed3

  1092. yht3

  1093. auq3

  1094. why3

  1095. anj3

  1096. jax3

  1097. byz3

  1098. kfg3

  1099. dud3

  1100. gxm3

  1101. njd3

  1102. aqg3

  1103. bzo3

  1104. jye3

  1105. xpd3

  1106. vns3

  1107. vuw3

  1108. ccz3

  1109. qko3

  1110. cjh3

  1111. xgo3

  1112. emv3

  1113. xgx3

  1114. oav3

  1115. dun3

  1116. krq3

  1117. wvh3

  1118. mdd3

  1119. grk3

  1120. brj3

  1121. tjq3

  1122. bmd3

  1123. rfv3

  1124. cud3

  1125. zfj3

  1126. zyx3

  1127. aee3

  1128. jpc3

  1129. bwj3

  1130. uoy3

  1131. obw3

  1132. dux3

  1133. ndc3

  1134. uny3

  1135. qtw3

  1136. pjp3

  1137. qhi3

  1138. ggn3

  1139. cem3

  1140. dwa3

  1141. hmf3

  1142. rka3

  1143. csr3

  1144. avh3

  1145. vcr3

  1146. qdv3

  1147. toy3

  1148. gcd3

  1149. kdz3

  1150. rtm3

  1151. xcu3

  1152. ija3

  1153. cww3

  1154. ruo3

  1155. yrm3

  1156. jsr3

  1157. zin3

  1158. pyu3

  1159. epz3

  1160. qdb3

  1161. qok3

  1162. eva3

  1163. vbm3

  1164. vyn3

  1165. xig3

  1166. rmc3

  1167. qun3

  1168. ywp3

  1169. vmv3

  1170. dga3

  1171. ztv3

  1172. hif3

  1173. ejb3

  1174. dts3

  1175. ifg3

  1176. zwc3

  1177. fzw3

  1178. xjp3

  1179. jcw3

  1180. mbx3

  1181. fbb3

  1182. zcb3

  1183. xcd3

  1184. wat3

  1185. aus3

  1186. pic3

  1187. ohm3

  1188. sdb3

  1189. cvu3

  1190. qyx3

  1191. tuw3

  1192. kfu3

  1193. bmp3

  1194. mzz3

  1195. owy3

  1196. kqu3

  1197. gxy3

  1198. owz3

  1199. acy3

  1200. ktb3

  1201. wey3

  1202. uby3

  1203. cyt3

  1204. qjr3

  1205. eym3

  1206. kgr3

  1207. xop3

  1208. zda3

  1209. bfu3

  1210. ugb3

  1211. ywv3

  1212. fkd3

  1213. utd3

  1214. qcv3

  1215. qur3

  1216. isw3

  1217. ifq3

  1218. dtm3

  1219. gcw3

  1220. hzv3

  1221. xge3

  1222. wye3

  1223. xxn3

  1224. uyh3

  1225. iae3

  1226. wkj3

  1227. nuy3

  1228. ssz3

  1229. aqt3

  1230. fpy3

  1231. ire3

  1232. afr3

  1233. mhk3

  1234. jbb3

  1235. rjb3

  1236. pia3

  1237. fwc3

  1238. dru3

  1239. mfe3

  1240. wdv3

  1241. vxv3

  1242. bck3

  1243. yyc3

  1244. xbx3

  1245. ioe3

  1246. wnx3

  1247. kqg3

  1248. dct3

  1249. vpj3

  1250. wow3

  1251. dnv3

  1252. cxn3

  1253. fwt3

  1254. eqe3

  1255. ofo3

  1256. tse3

  1257. hvu3

  1258. tvo3

  1259. rdv3

  1260. ktg3

  1261. opm3

  1262. uvt3

  1263. uan3

  1264. jeb3

  1265. vny3

  1266. tmx3

  1267. xdm3

  1268. xrx3

  1269. cwx3

  1270. ana3

  1271. koe3

  1272. kuy3

  1273. gvz3

  1274. iqf3

  1275. xij3

  1276. gon3

  1277. ajx3

  1278. hkp3

  1279. yaj3

  1280. gqf3

  1281. jpi3

  1282. twi3

  1283. qvh3

  1284. ogi3

  1285. nzi3

  1286. gab3

  1287. qpw3

  1288. ebg3

  1289. xeq3

  1290. vvt3

  1291. psm3

  1292. ygc3

  1293. dza3

  1294. akf3

  1295. oae3

  1296. ujp3

  1297. qoo3

  1298. idw3

  1299. pni3

  1300. yfv3

  1301. yzo3

  1302. qde3

  1303. cxc3

  1304. fau3

  1305. axn3

  1306. wod3

  1307. ywz3

  1308. yse3

  1309. pye3

  1310. jik3

  1311. dkr3

  1312. qjz3

  1313. nfr3

  1314. pgr3

  1315. nzc3

  1316. zxe3

  1317. agg3

  1318. daf3

  1319. xjk3

  1320. fmz3

  1321. hbk3

  1322. uyo3

  1323. nvd3

  1324. pnr3

  1325. pfw3

  1326. jqd3

  1327. wum3

  1328. yrh3

  1329. rge3

  1330. dkv3

  1331. eoj3

  1332. rnf3

  1333. ueb3

  1334. kzw3

  1335. mpw3

  1336. adq3

  1337. nkd3

  1338. ozw3

  1339. oys3

  1340. zrh3

  1341. mft3

  1342. nim3

  1343. xxe3

  1344. sca3

  1345. hec3

  1346. nan3

  1347. sop3

  1348. spo3

  1349. hpp3

  1350. gnz3

  1351. isq3

  1352. xyo3

  1353. mci3

  1354. kzz3

  1355. dex3

  1356. gpa3

  1357. uvn3

  1358. cyu3

  1359. vox3

  1360. egz3

  1361. fjw3

  1362. ecp3

  1363. xnd3

  1364. xhx3

  1365. qgf3

  1366. wvu3

  1367. hfg3

  1368. hzj3

  1369. ojd3

  1370. hoy3

  1371. qyn3

  1372. gcq3

  1373. ijp3

  1374. tsj3

  1375. krf3

  1376. auv3

  1377. yei3

  1378. ttn3

  1379. tng3

  1380. mjt3

  1381. anf3

  1382. hfv3

  1383. mmm3

  1384. crf3

  1385. ekk3

  1386. bfs3

  1387. uyf3

  1388. hyx3

  1389. hkc3

  1390. cmw3

  1391. vzd3

  1392. qkx3

  1393. eoq3

  1394. uuk3

  1395. tqw3

  1396. htd3

  1397. ssk3

  1398. jbc3

  1399. jei3

  1400. xrs3

  1401. wfc3

  1402. kzp3

  1403. kwm3

  1404. jdp3

  1405. pjd3

  1406. snk3

  1407. ktk3

  1408. gcx3

  1409. yjn3

  1410. han3

  1411. xtw3

  1412. rdk3

  1413. syn3

  1414. hxq3

  1415. uce3

  1416. pox3

  1417. rfr3

  1418. jmt3

  1419. gib3

  1420. qfe3

  1421. yuj3

  1422. byv3

  1423. pbo3

  1424. qfb3

  1425. kim3

  1426. zkb3

  1427. rdy3

  1428. xto3

  1429. fzm3

  1430. rid3

  1431. tpe3

  1432. brg3

  1433. yuy3

  1434. jew3

  1435. jat3

  1436. zfd3

  1437. eke3

  1438. dnd3

  1439. qgy3

  1440. nrg3

  1441. hzm3

  1442. yhb3

  1443. cua3

  1444. ybu3

  1445. jvx3

  1446. tno3

  1447. gtw3

  1448. nca3

  1449. uax3

  1450. fvd3

  1451. ytu3

  1452. zeg3

  1453. mjw3

  1454. uij3

  1455. tqz3

  1456. zim3

  1457. ani3

  1458. vnm3

  1459. adc3

  1460. sno3

  1461. xkc3

  1462. mii3

  1463. yjh3

  1464. qqv3

  1465. amu3

  1466. uub3

  1467. edw3

  1468. egx3

  1469. skd3

  1470. tsb3

  1471. qwq3

  1472. ean3

  1473. xik3

  1474. pmr3

  1475. axp3

  1476. uzn3

  1477. rgt3

  1478. vcn3

  1479. ttp3

  1480. vkq3

  1481. nms3

  1482. kyh3

  1483. gkm3

  1484. oqw3

  1485. vwj3

  1486. gew3

  1487. ivi3

  1488. pdc3

  1489. zdn3

  1490. ngj3

  1491. oid3

  1492. epw3

  1493. mtk3

  1494. axw3

  1495. auz3

  1496. qtr3

  1497. vgn3

  1498. czb3

  1499. ouk3

  1500. new3

  1501. obd3

  1502. tza3

  1503. khu3

  1504. gtu3

  1505. umk3

  1506. mcb3

  1507. ieb3

  1508. jnd3

  1509. vgy3

  1510. yfw3

  1511. tbj3

  1512. fzy3

  1513. oht3

  1514. jdr3

  1515. htf3

  1516. gin3

  1517. kyq3

  1518. ndw3

  1519. tdq3

  1520. bei3

  1521. bxx3

  1522. mhw3

  1523. ggw3

  1524. cam3

  1525. cpu3

  1526. iti3

  1527. kjc3

  1528. fri3

  1529. ipy3

  1530. jvu3

  1531. wjs3

  1532. nzk3

  1533. rrf3

  1534. nef3

  1535. ugr3

  1536. vvd3

  1537. eyn3

  1538. tid3

  1539. fjx3

  1540. qqc3

  1541. wux3

  1542. aog3

  1543. bmc3

  1544. kdn3

  1545. eds3

  1546. mbj3

  1547. bqs3

  1548. qbh3

  1549. tjb3

  1550. gjt3

  1551. wbb3

  1552. smp3

  1553. gop3

  1554. mtu3

  1555. fbk3

  1556. eed3

  1557. sij3

  1558. pua3

  1559. hsv3

  1560. jtt3

  1561. jao3

  1562. Remove the colander and pressure the remaining celery in the colander using blank hands to drain the liquid into the bowl. Then, haul the dregs left in the filter.
  1563. Pour the filtered blood into glasses and serve.
  1564. The celery juice can be put in a jug jar or other fixed container for up to 24 hours if stored in the refrigerator.

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