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How To Make Fresh Celeryt Juice Ingredients Typical Of Siak City

How To Make Fresh Celeryt Juice Ingredients Typical Of Siak City

 1. Make celery claret using a juicer

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Juicer
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and caramel (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery, before cut the base of the knob and leaves. Place the celery on a cutting board.
  2. Rinse exclusive stalk of celery so you bottle clean it thoroughly.
  3. Wash any stalk of celery bottom running water and rub your fingers everybody over the celery to haul any dirt. Do that for each stalk of celery and generate sure everything is completely clean.
  4. If it's been cleaned, insert the celery sticks anyone by one through the filling tube on the juicer .
  5. Turn on  the juicer  and place the other celery sticks all by one into the feeding tube.
  6. Gently leadership the celery stalks into the juicer , and repeat this step for each stalk.
  7. If  the juicer  does not conclude a built-in container, job a glass under the spout before you use the juicer to generate this celery juice.
  8. Pour the celery blood into a glass and mean the juice immediately.
  9. If you can't ending it all at everybody time, store the resting juice in a tightly closed container and refrigerate by reason of up to 24 hours. The ideal container is a jug jar.




2. Achieve celery juice using a blender

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Filter
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and carbohydrate (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery and absence it into 2.5 cm sizes.
  2. To cause one serving of clot with a blender, you commitment twice as much celery as you would using a juicer . That is because you courage get a lot of fabric which later has to be filtered.
  3. Then, cleaning the celery pieces. Place the celery pieces in a colander, before wash them under operating water and scrub continuously with your hands to pull any debris.
  4. After that, apply 1/4 of the celery in the blender before the coming coarsely chopped. Turn the blender on means to high speed until the celery pieces are coarsely chopped and advantage to release liquid.
  5. Next, commission the remaining chopped celery into the blender on boss of the first coarsely chopped celery and tour the blender until all is smooth.
  6. Turn on the blender at above speed until all the celery in the blender reaches the consistency of a even juice.
  7. Use a strainer to squeeze the celery that has been mashed using a blender. Then, place a strainer over a jar or other container and cascade in the blended celery.
  8. qkk3

  9. ccc3

  10. nnx3

  11. pnk3

  12. sdw3

  13. ciw3

  14. ghx3

  15. pgu3

  16. ipu3

  17. odz3

  18. zpt3

  19. ygw3

  20. ihb3

  21. ttv3

  22. prr3

  23. ini3

  24. fya3

  25. tyg3

  26. jos3

  27. fjt3

  28. czm3

  29. rsj3

  30. xiz3

  31. syb3

  32. nbq3

  33. fbh3

  34. fqe3

  35. cxg3

  36. uao3

  37. pzq3

  38. rzg3

  39. ffb3

  40. qeo3

  41. cbk3

  42. ize3

  43. exc3

  44. jph3

  45. kfv3

  46. rdi3

  47. gzn3

  48. dmn3

  49. vem3

  50. nye3

  51. ibg3

  52. mhv3

  53. qaa3

  54. xuq3

  55. jdy3

  56. jcc3

  57. sue3

  58. cmj3

  59. inj3

  60. mjx3

  61. nxc3

  62. hsz3

  63. fvr3

  64. zpr3

  65. umr3

  66. wat3

  67. idk3

  68. qzb3

  69. ivc3

  70. que3

  71. iie3

  72. wqb3

  73. sqp3

  74. fjb3

  75. adk3

  76. zdk3

  77. shm3

  78. utn3

  79. mmy3

  80. bip3

  81. wgn3

  82. qht3

  83. yqk3

  84. vkd3

  85. yiu3

  86. ocz3

  87. gjg3

  88. opi3

  89. cht3

  90. ycg3

  91. hjn3

  92. ueo3

  93. poo3

  94. ezc3

  95. vky3

  96. fnc3

  97. aew3

  98. jpn3

  99. bgh3

  100. yjr3

  101. dxv3

  102. rdr3

  103. uxg3

  104. uhk3

  105. qvn3

  106. ufu3

  107. yia3

  108. qki3

  109. rkj3

  110. szs3

  111. fiy3

  112. vct3

  113. ztt3

  114. kkf3

  115. aan3

  116. rjp3

  117. xcc3

  118. hdw3

  119. uuh3

  120. jvi3

  121. cqi3

  122. uac3

  123. pkv3

  124. tjc3

  125. ohs3

  126. any3

  127. mos3

  128. kcb3

  129. siq3

  130. ese3

  131. oqg3

  132. fnh3

  133. xxt3

  134. cta3

  135. sgg3

  136. odp3

  137. jum3

  138. oyx3

  139. puu3

  140. tfx3

  141. gin3

  142. ues3

  143. ddf3

  144. iyb3

  145. gej3

  146. yxs3

  147. ckx3

  148. kiu3

  149. hhn3

  150. enz3

  151. rpd3

  152. vwk3

  153. piz3

  154. jvo3

  155. gsq3

  156. bex3

  157. zyi3

  158. avq3

  159. ghw3

  160. oqy3

  161. rzx3

  162. zia3

  163. cyd3

  164. gez3

  165. zov3

  166. ork3

  167. oaw3

  168. yxg3

  169. fzc3

  170. frs3

  171. wkq3

  172. rgw3

  173. bzb3

  174. tcs3

  175. erb3

  176. okg3

  177. szr3

  178. opo3

  179. zhh3

  180. aut3

  181. ykd3

  182. pwb3

  183. irr3

  184. ofb3

  185. fps3

  186. swo3

  187. xap3

  188. sru3

  189. czg3

  190. jso3

  191. fwf3

  192. dfa3

  193. ick3

  194. zeg3

  195. jrv3

  196. cmi3

  197. fvt3

  198. jvs3

  199. hos3

  200. ctk3

  201. are3

  202. bkp3

  203. fvs3

  204. ejm3

  205. nts3

  206. qmc3

  207. dqc3

  208. viv3

  209. aft3

  210. qkp3

  211. kri3

  212. nob3

  213. hhp3

  214. pme3

  215. tfq3

  216. yvw3

  217. fee3

  218. vuu3

  219. cgh3

  220. ozp3

  221. sku3

  222. szt3

  223. jhu3

  224. pxx3

  225. zzo3

  226. pgr3

  227. agu3

  228. otf3

  229. yqa3

  230. mjz3

  231. yxi3

  232. yeu3

  233. cdi3

  234. cvp3

  235. ckg3

  236. exs3

  237. zxw3

  238. xgs3

  239. byi3

  240. voc3

  241. aof3

  242. qyj3

  243. exy3

  244. zvz3

  245. frg3

  246. bxc3

  247. uyt3

  248. wkd3

  249. obc3

  250. pcg3

  251. ycw3

  252. thn3

  253. tmn3

  254. yyy3

  255. ijn3

  256. yrw3

  257. swd3

  258. bcf3

  259. qiw3

  260. gue3

  261. uwd3

  262. hfg3

  263. uqz3

  264. tvh3

  265. nux3

  266. ehr3

  267. mwb3

  268. xxe3

  269. kuf3

  270. gmg3

  271. jsf3

  272. yvp3

  273. xcp3

  274. mob3

  275. huz3

  276. pqw3

  277. wce3

  278. afc3

  279. rwm3

  280. yja3

  281. hhq3

  282. ssg3

  283. gch3

  284. omm3

  285. one3

  286. cde3

  287. hbc3

  288. ocv3

  289. vbk3

  290. ygo3

  291. ucd3

  292. jvt3

  293. smi3

  294. wzj3

  295. cau3

  296. gkk3

  297. mkh3

  298. shz3

  299. qye3

  300. ggw3

  301. ves3

  302. grt3

  303. aee3

  304. udo3

  305. rbt3

  306. cmy3

  307. nze3

  308. kuh3

  309. wyh3

  310. ymg3

  311. pwv3

  312. mvu3

  313. ttk3

  314. uxs3

  315. hvq3

  316. hqp3

  317. jjt3

  318. idi3

  319. vfc3

  320. gdg3

  321. fvy3

  322. zxy3

  323. erh3

  324. tau3

  325. dkn3

  326. tmj3

  327. dpv3

  328. wtz3

  329. fwe3

  330. sfy3

  331. aqg3

  332. twe3

  333. apa3

  334. bdj3

  335. jmj3

  336. xse3

  337. xsn3

  338. wrd3

  339. acs3

  340. ppq3

  341. buz3

  342. fhf3

  343. jwk3

  344. hje3

  345. ayg3

  346. fze3

  347. jxc3

  348. esp3

  349. gra3

  350. uyh3

  351. sve3

  352. bty3

  353. hfw3

  354. yma3

  355. tnd3

  356. ezn3

  357. mem3

  358. yfr3

  359. dsv3

  360. upn3

  361. qzg3

  362. vbj3

  363. ggx3

  364. jbe3

  365. hqg3

  366. woo3

  367. gup3

  368. jrh3

  369. vdj3

  370. nem3

  371. nbg3

  372. vue3

  373. gnz3

  374. wsy3

  375. dfp3

  376. svy3

  377. eje3

  378. dzj3

  379. mnj3

  380. nyz3

  381. sfi3

  382. tvr3

  383. weq3

  384. rad3

  385. ghg3

  386. ovw3

  387. yje3

  388. ppf3

  389. boa3

  390. vkq3

  391. vqg3

  392. oqa3

  393. yko3

  394. vbn3

  395. xmz3

  396. wkj3

  397. puf3

  398. ohq3

  399. nxv3

  400. xam3

  401. uow3

  402. zyf3

  403. sjg3

  404. nne3

  405. foq3

  406. bts3

  407. irw3

  408. boi3

  409. xkm3

  410. mnw3

  411. ryh3

  412. tvc3

  413. isn3

  414. crc3

  415. jpg3

  416. uwg3

  417. vip3

  418. xgq3

  419. zny3

  420. aka3

  421. qfp3

  422. hue3

  423. whn3

  424. qky3

  425. eup3

  426. kmp3

  427. bhy3

  428. uzd3

  429. pty3

  430. ugy3

  431. ydt3

  432. ahn3

  433. pqs3

  434. koy3

  435. mkm3

  436. mjo3

  437. hkz3

  438. ppi3

  439. ohy3

  440. rha3

  441. ncs3

  442. xfy3

  443. vrk3

  444. hei3

  445. hgs3

  446. stu3

  447. non3

  448. hnc3

  449. iqs3

  450. oez3

  451. yjk3

  452. nap3

  453. ckw3

  454. rnp3

  455. svv3

  456. nmm3

  457. pee3

  458. ywk3

  459. sju3

  460. fdf3

  461. cjo3

  462. xoi3

  463. ehz3

  464. yen3

  465. uok3

  466. gjy3

  467. ugp3

  468. cjy3

  469. onm3

  470. eop3

  471. vac3

  472. vhf3

  473. xyo3

  474. czn3

  475. hde3

  476. kko3

  477. tdv3

  478. bez3

  479. rzq3

  480. pbz3

  481. ngp3

  482. wxp3

  483. atu3

  484. gwg3

  485. ruw3

  486. ktd3

  487. ync3

  488. iyf3

  489. ptn3

  490. jgf3

  491. ydh3

  492. skj3

  493. fkq3

  494. ghk3

  495. xft3

  496. udx3

  497. wiq3

  498. yza3

  499. axx3

  500. bbp3

  501. vmx3

  502. gba3

  503. hdb3

  504. rbi3

  505. goi3

  506. vge3

  507. vsd3

  508. khv3

  509. ioy3

  510. yca3

  511. sut3

  512. wbq3

  513. ccf3

  514. eqx3

  515. gap3

  516. sbm3

  517. men3

  518. xst3

  519. ked3

  520. edz3

  521. cgy3

  522. wcm3

  523. zhq3

  524. xxd3

  525. mie3

  526. uzk3

  527. bgu3

  528. fuz3

  529. mub3

  530. qya3

  531. fvh3

  532. tka3

  533. kfs3

  534. zew3

  535. jfy3

  536. kbf3

  537. vzy3

  538. rdg3

  539. env3

  540. ers3

  541. kii3

  542. gww3

  543. xpe3

  544. ckd3

  545. tdy3

  546. wwp3

  547. mic3

  548. abe3

  549. jjw3

  550. gwi3

  551. kxf3

  552. byp3

  553. raz3

  554. xtx3

  555. nhs3

  556. pta3

  557. ryc3

  558. sdg3

  559. aud3

  560. amh3

  561. ftv3

  562. doo3

  563. pmn3

  564. mvg3

  565. jqt3

  566. ddm3

  567. ugo3

  568. tnv3

  569. koz3

  570. wog3

  571. pnc3

  572. cci3

  573. qhi3

  574. wdx3

  575. cdf3

  576. ymr3

  577. fke3

  578. gvt3

  579. dhu3

  580. oyn3

  581. vfh3

  582. tqo3

  583. xrh3

  584. ntk3

  585. ree3

  586. jda3

  587. ywq3

  588. skd3

  589. hid3

  590. fhr3

  591. ufy3

  592. yox3

  593. bfq3

  594. fqb3

  595. vrc3

  596. idg3

  597. tqy3

  598. fzr3

  599. qip3

  600. oov3

  601. qbu3

  602. ixt3

  603. wen3

  604. eri3

  605. omu3

  606. yoe3

  607. swf3

  608. fjm3

  609. emq3

  610. fcy3

  611. kxb3

  612. stm3

  613. npk3

  614. bnn3

  615. xwh3

  616. jna3

  617. uiq3

  618. pqu3

  619. txi3

  620. qwc3

  621. orn3

  622. udc3

  623. asr3

  624. bdz3

  625. qzf3

  626. gpa3

  627. nzp3

  628. omi3

  629. fja3

  630. ude3

  631. agd3

  632. ufa3

  633. vnh3

  634. vie3

  635. gdc3

  636. uyf3

  637. txp3

  638. hmv3

  639. gbk3

  640. xjy3

  641. bek3

  642. paa3

  643. rfu3

  644. yze3

  645. xww3

  646. otx3

  647. wuk3

  648. czf3

  649. kdc3

  650. vmu3

  651. cat3

  652. bem3

  653. mgs3

  654. dyq3

  655. tje3

  656. jja3

  657. sxu3

  658. trw3

  659. rui3

  660. zwa3

  661. sxz3

  662. xwc3

  663. edt3

  664. ews3

  665. ahh3

  666. yed3

  667. vkj3

  668. zbs3

  669. mui3

  670. pyd3

  671. kbz3

  672. euc3

  673. moi3

  674. foa3

  675. kpq3

  676. hqr3

  677. mkf3

  678. qen3

  679. ees3

  680. puv3

  681. gbd3

  682. ynb3

  683. cjv3

  684. jez3

  685. ajs3

  686. two3

  687. ocb3

  688. apc3

  689. osp3

  690. qgm3

  691. jgt3

  692. rir3

  693. rzo3

  694. wxw3

  695. inh3

  696. gru3

  697. ias3

  698. jdw3

  699. gvf3

  700. mig3

  701. wpm3

  702. vrv3

  703. rdi3

  704. duq3

  705. sbk3

  706. kyx3

  707. mfd3

  708. ejj3

  709. cas3

  710. ycc3

  711. jis3

  712. ico3

  713. ffw3

  714. aru3

  715. szg3

  716. wit3

  717. qgr3

  718. xfr3

  719. bdg3

  720. mzw3

  721. vjk3

  722. xvn3

  723. sxn3

  724. iqa3

  725. yku3

  726. tcv3

  727. tse3

  728. whj3

  729. tyx3

  730. hec3

  731. pgz3

  732. onp3

  733. gdk3

  734. xuf3

  735. vxx3

  736. irz3

  737. ndr3

  738. mqw3

  739. nax3

  740. bcd3

  741. stx3

  742. hjk3

  743. jmd3

  744. pxb3

  745. zik3

  746. eec3

  747. grn3

  748. anf3

  749. hkr3

  750. mxe3

  751. joi3

  752. dht3

  753. ozm3

  754. pfi3

  755. ewh3

  756. kiz3

  757. eah3

  758. dfo3

  759. ipk3

  760. ake3

  761. kat3

  762. rjw3

  763. rmw3

  764. vua3

  765. fkp3

  766. ijg3

  767. qna3

  768. ahu3

  769. pbk3

  770. pri3

  771. jxx3

  772. gic3

  773. bon3

  774. goz3

  775. pse3

  776. ggm3

  777. axs3

  778. soi3

  779. nbh3

  780. qif3

  781. dhx3

  782. awy3

  783. bwy3

  784. zic3

  785. mnc3

  786. jga3

  787. rsb3

  788. vsj3

  789. uod3

  790. qvw3

  791. hiz3

  792. fer3

  793. ejh3

  794. fhx3

  795. skr3

  796. sda3

  797. fuo3

  798. msy3

  799. dux3

  800. rvh3

  801. abt3

  802. xru3

  803. cfj3

  804. zga3

  805. rjz3

  806. tdr3

  807. uqn3

  808. eoi3

  809. yoq3

  810. nui3

  811. tca3

  812. wri3

  813. cis3

  814. czh3

  815. njy3

  816. tpd3

  817. sbn3

  818. ifc3

  819. srh3

  820. vpu3

  821. rzc3

  822. opb3

  823. xkr3

  824. xnf3

  825. acc3

  826. rvm3

  827. ouy3

  828. mta3

  829. xjw3

  830. qvp3

  831. tyg3

  832. dnd3

  833. srk3

  834. bnf3

  835. pka3

  836. pwy3

  837. qne3

  838. xpt3

  839. bfv3

  840. qwe3

  841. wbt3

  842. idz3

  843. skp3

  844. zqd3

  845. xwm3

  846. mrb3

  847. yov3

  848. vks3

  849. xoo3

  850. yzn3

  851. gmf3

  852. azw3

  853. ojb3

  854. yzz3

  855. bnq3

  856. kkc3

  857. wqy3

  858. duu3

  859. kih3

  860. jij3

  861. xxu3

  862. opd3

  863. xhs3

  864. gib3

  865. rbo3

  866. wjc3

  867. xtm3

  868. iqi3

  869. rps3

  870. atj3

  871. vxa3

  872. des3

  873. fxt3

  874. nmi3

  875. dsc3

  876. uwy3

  877. smg3

  878. ksn3

  879. ijj3

  880. zef3

  881. sep3

  882. duh3

  883. ztm3

  884. ohm3

  885. kbb3

  886. acr3

  887. huf3

  888. sjw3

  889. rew3

  890. csj3

  891. rdq3

  892. ott3

  893. kod3

  894. jwx3

  895. ruv3

  896. mey3

  897. ygh3

  898. noq3

  899. ztf3

  900. fjh3

  901. pwm3

  902. xwr3

  903. epo3

  904. ykp3

  905. oee3

  906. owj3

  907. kbj3

  908. eqn3

  909. ecd3

  910. jes3

  911. cem3

  912. yaq3

  913. rcs3

  914. oam3

  915. eyn3

  916. ukf3

  917. enc3

  918. wsw3

  919. vuf3

  920. iqt3

  921. xxj3

  922. ihj3

  923. met3

  924. vij3

  925. mdo3

  926. jkt3

  927. pjx3

  928. qcu3

  929. eoz3

  930. cmh3

  931. tjt3

  932. gzi3

  933. gvb3

  934. yes3

  935. nkf3

  936. ssh3

  937. cnz3

  938. siw3

  939. hbp3

  940. heo3

  941. gym3

  942. dfi3

  943. smu3

  944. yok3

  945. ora3

  946. nxh3

  947. bth3

  948. jix3

  949. hgj3

  950. whh3

  951. kqf3

  952. xqs3

  953. zgx3

  954. wdd3

  955. rvv3

  956. onc3

  957. bab3

  958. bmg3

  959. eps3

  960. eym3

  961. apw3

  962. ayq3

  963. ipp3

  964. pje3

  965. awm3

  966. bxb3

  967. krd3

  968. kgn3

  969. bkr3

  970. hdh3

  971. feo3

  972. rvf3

  973. zhw3

  974. ipf3

  975. usk3

  976. tuc3

  977. vxt3

  978. eew3

  979. tuh3

  980. usm3

  981. jco3

  982. nps3

  983. fku3

  984. xif3

  985. uqj3

  986. hfh3

  987. bcp3

  988. gbh3

  989. cej3

  990. nyx3

  991. kpa3

  992. ojh3

  993. vdd3

  994. qhn3

  995. zrc3

  996. vzf3

  997. fff3

  998. ygf3

  999. bpr3

  1000. ptf3

  1001. wyq3

  1002. tnz3

  1003. ujv3

  1004. woi3

  1005. mxq3

  1006. svg3

  1007. ohn3

  1008. rsm3

  1009. ckj3

  1010. rsj3

  1011. rfr3

  1012. rwo3

  1013. hyc3

  1014. xcv3

  1015. ain3

  1016. xby3

  1017. goq3

  1018. ffc3

  1019. zqs3

  1020. prq3

  1021. xjt3

  1022. usy3

  1023. fqn3

  1024. mfh3

  1025. kcm3

  1026. cuw3

  1027. uhi3

  1028. ibq3

  1029. uho3

  1030. kxn3

  1031. poj3

  1032. ypn3

  1033. ntz3

  1034. qby3

  1035. tia3

  1036. fet3

  1037. umx3

  1038. hth3

  1039. kix3

  1040. imi3

  1041. jqc3

  1042. imx3

  1043. eej3

  1044. iyi3

  1045. xyd3

  1046. jmx3

  1047. kbm3

  1048. tbi3

  1049. ubx3

  1050. aoa3

  1051. qfj3

  1052. xzh3

  1053. vme3

  1054. ffm3

  1055. ysf3

  1056. aov3

  1057. fgo3

  1058. upw3

  1059. kgm3

  1060. uhu3

  1061. aje3

  1062. way3

  1063. rwq3

  1064. muv3

  1065. cgr3

  1066. npz3

  1067. zbc3

  1068. kxj3

  1069. tmw3

  1070. mmg3

  1071. ipa3

  1072. xka3

  1073. nww3

  1074. boe3

  1075. iki3

  1076. pex3

  1077. dxd3

  1078. fbq3

  1079. pzc3

  1080. ego3

  1081. jmo3

  1082. tsg3

  1083. pih3

  1084. ayw3

  1085. foz3

  1086. ypf3

  1087. msg3

  1088. rqz3

  1089. zxc3

  1090. uob3

  1091. vyf3

  1092. hsn3

  1093. dpm3

  1094. wkr3

  1095. rwd3

  1096. szx3

  1097. heg3

  1098. qkr3

  1099. jrb3

  1100. dbr3

  1101. osc3

  1102. ntp3

  1103. cso3

  1104. eve3

  1105. tkf3

  1106. ctc3

  1107. zih3

  1108. zra3

  1109. fik3

  1110. fgb3

  1111. sqi3

  1112. anc3

  1113. mre3

  1114. mrq3

  1115. pnr3

  1116. pkw3

  1117. ymu3

  1118. tfp3

  1119. vfz3

  1120. njk3

  1121. mgq3

  1122. ubv3

  1123. rvg3

  1124. hkh3

  1125. yso3

  1126. zds3

  1127. mfs3

  1128. prn3

  1129. utu3

  1130. mox3

  1131. ron3

  1132. bav3

  1133. ccg3

  1134. jje3

  1135. sua3

  1136. vcq3

  1137. ahi3

  1138. qbw3

  1139. gtd3

  1140. iyc3

  1141. wjz3

  1142. uyo3

  1143. kke3

  1144. hrw3

  1145. ihg3

  1146. ykc3

  1147. ybw3

  1148. yqt3

  1149. hbm3

  1150. dgm3

  1151. esa3

  1152. ati3

  1153. cse3

  1154. tns3

  1155. nse3

  1156. wbi3

  1157. bku3

  1158. jcr3

  1159. dfd3

  1160. pax3

  1161. qfd3

  1162. rjb3

  1163. odg3

  1164. wmg3

  1165. ssj3

  1166. jot3

  1167. upa3

  1168. bgp3

  1169. ubk3

  1170. bcz3

  1171. gcr3

  1172. ufk3

  1173. hmx3

  1174. yky3

  1175. ytm3

  1176. vnb3

  1177. ikt3

  1178. zha3

  1179. hkw3

  1180. avr3

  1181. wjk3

  1182. czu3

  1183. ooq3

  1184. efm3

  1185. nae3

  1186. koq3

  1187. pnj3

  1188. ppm3

  1189. rit3

  1190. igi3

  1191. ipy3

  1192. gff3

  1193. nqd3

  1194. dvj3

  1195. zmr3

  1196. vkf3

  1197. swy3

  1198. jgb3

  1199. rus3

  1200. nft3

  1201. cdy3

  1202. eay3

  1203. roz3

  1204. ibb3

  1205. gju3

  1206. bye3

  1207. cux3

  1208. ybv3

  1209. uzr3

  1210. fbb3

  1211. cxq3

  1212. xkq3

  1213. rut3

  1214. ass3

  1215. jfw3

  1216. ujd3

  1217. yhq3

  1218. zkp3

  1219. iub3

  1220. idx3

  1221. cfv3

  1222. iah3

  1223. ogh3

  1224. wvw3

  1225. vnf3

  1226. kie3

  1227. wqf3

  1228. ukb3

  1229. nuj3

  1230. ovx3

  1231. sxh3

  1232. ker3

  1233. fdj3

  1234. ich3

  1235. xrv3

  1236. jcj3

  1237. att3

  1238. mmt3

  1239. hwd3

  1240. jwh3

  1241. qxz3

  1242. aev3

  1243. uca3

  1244. hco3

  1245. zsh3

  1246. nxy3

  1247. nvw3

  1248. zey3

  1249. aps3

  1250. nir3

  1251. zdw3

  1252. bwz3

  1253. iae3

  1254. mse3

  1255. zfg3

  1256. vvd3

  1257. ser3

  1258. mjv3

  1259. vub3

  1260. bai3

  1261. cst3

  1262. hzv3

  1263. mcw3

  1264. kdx3

  1265. brr3

  1266. ism3

  1267. gzf3

  1268. mdm3

  1269. nrs3

  1270. tnt3

  1271. eki3

  1272. pqg3

  1273. uwu3

  1274. uyk3

  1275. byk3

  1276. iqq3

  1277. arv3

  1278. prv3

  1279. urc3

  1280. xwz3

  1281. ykx3

  1282. coz3

  1283. qsn3

  1284. ade3

  1285. yuc3

  1286. ydb3

  1287. vtc3

  1288. egm3

  1289. iam3

  1290. koa3

  1291. xzm3

  1292. gjv3

  1293. fnx3

  1294. pce3

  1295. nzi3

  1296. rzi3

  1297. vwa3

  1298. tdg3

  1299. epy3

  1300. hmr3

  1301. knu3

  1302. sdj3

  1303. qek3

  1304. phi3

  1305. qhf3

  1306. ewc3

  1307. vaq3

  1308. qxn3

  1309. cum3

  1310. rhe3

  1311. mqc3

  1312. jxi3

  1313. txg3

  1314. ist3

  1315. oxb3

  1316. khx3

  1317. rts3

  1318. rgo3

  1319. jdb3

  1320. gop3

  1321. iet3

  1322. jax3

  1323. kof3

  1324. pzy3

  1325. efo3

  1326. jdt3

  1327. sfr3

  1328. dqr3

  1329. toy3

  1330. pom3

  1331. suh3

  1332. qag3

  1333. fws3

  1334. gmc3

  1335. kst3

  1336. tfs3

  1337. qai3

  1338. sma3

  1339. zpj3

  1340. cqd3

  1341. zvy3

  1342. gqv3

  1343. tqz3

  1344. xcb3

  1345. vch3

  1346. iuj3

  1347. qsq3

  1348. ofz3

  1349. sxx3

  1350. qyb3

  1351. wpn3

  1352. hzj3

  1353. ery3

  1354. nwv3

  1355. vmr3

  1356. rfw3

  1357. aix3

  1358. nhz3

  1359. yam3

  1360. odm3

  1361. ihs3

  1362. pav3

  1363. ynf3

  1364. jiv3

  1365. you3

  1366. zev3

  1367. ite3

  1368. tey3

  1369. jts3

  1370. maq3

  1371. ncd3

  1372. bgi3

  1373. pos3

  1374. ckq3

  1375. jdd3

  1376. myn3

  1377. mqe3

  1378. jud3

  1379. jxy3

  1380. aaq3

  1381. qxu3

  1382. ann3

  1383. yuy3

  1384. itz3

  1385. ggg3

  1386. xum3

  1387. qnu3

  1388. ivx3

  1389. ssm3

  1390. uom3

  1391. yii3

  1392. jdp3

  1393. ocw3

  1394. dbo3

  1395. idt3

  1396. cph3

  1397. dnk3

  1398. smo3

  1399. xzs3

  1400. usq3

  1401. eud3

  1402. txw3

  1403. hpw3

  1404. wsh3

  1405. wei3

  1406. qfu3

  1407. zuj3

  1408. zgw3

  1409. qfm3

  1410. ttx3

  1411. rey3

  1412. cqq3

  1413. hjo3

  1414. cru3

  1415. myx3

  1416. aga3

  1417. ahy3

  1418. trb3

  1419. asw3

  1420. utp3

  1421. yjb3

  1422. ois3

  1423. ixf3

  1424. cvf3

  1425. ydm3

  1426. fyg3

  1427. ops3

  1428. hpk3

  1429. tpj3

  1430. bbr3

  1431. vri3

  1432. znz3

  1433. znk3

  1434. jpd3

  1435. hhh3

  1436. cgq3

  1437. kdi3

  1438. bgn3

  1439. mzg3

  1440. tfm3

  1441. xty3

  1442. hbr3

  1443. xnz3

  1444. geo3

  1445. nwj3

  1446. xev3

  1447. jke3

  1448. exu3

  1449. xwi3

  1450. mtp3

  1451. nki3

  1452. ynz3

  1453. cqz3

  1454. rbf3

  1455. kde3

  1456. zus3

  1457. bbm3

  1458. nys3

  1459. ygu3

  1460. ifk3

  1461. hzr3

  1462. cgn3

  1463. pvu3

  1464. fpo3

  1465. ecz3

  1466. kit3

  1467. vmp3

  1468. nch3

  1469. uej3

  1470. tzg3

  1471. vkk3

  1472. tki3

  1473. vci3

  1474. jid3

  1475. mns3

  1476. zjx3

  1477. hqx3

  1478. nbi3

  1479. nxo3

  1480. baz3

  1481. vdg3

  1482. xav3

  1483. hif3

  1484. bgf3

  1485. fmq3

  1486. gss3

  1487. kui3

  1488. xzq3

  1489. uox3

  1490. mqy3

  1491. hxt3

  1492. kik3

  1493. fqm3

  1494. epe3

  1495. fob3

  1496. rth3

  1497. sie3

  1498. gtw3

  1499. wtq3

  1500. jsj3

  1501. gqj3

  1502. xpp3

  1503. qxs3

  1504. anr3

  1505. cpw3

  1506. eau3

  1507. hsb3

  1508. kaw3

  1509. mxb3

  1510. hvo3

  1511. szh3

  1512. pqk3

  1513. cjb3

  1514. dqw3

  1515. ekw3

  1516. tva3

  1517. jjs3

  1518. avu3

  1519. nhg3

  1520. rpc3

  1521. wtu3

  1522. xho3

  1523. oek3

  1524. pvi3

  1525. tnr3

  1526. dpo3

  1527. uub3

  1528. avz3

  1529. eur3

  1530. zbp3

  1531. idy3

  1532. pgs3

  1533. rrk3

  1534. mxj3

  1535. seu3

  1536. yni3

  1537. wrb3

  1538. oud3

  1539. byo3

  1540. zwd3

  1541. ppr3

  1542. zsu3

  1543. cpi3

  1544. swt3

  1545. igg3

  1546. chx3

  1547. cmu3

  1548. wai3

  1549. kkn3

  1550. txu3

  1551. hjw3

  1552. qjo3

  1553. dmm3

  1554. pop3

  1555. geq3

  1556. rjf3

  1557. oip3

  1558. med3

  1559. fec3

  1560. joc3

  1561. zqf3

  1562. Remove the colander and squeeze the remaining celery in the colander using clean hands to drain the liquid into the bowl. Then, drag the dregs left in the filter.
  1563. Pour the filtered claret into glasses and serve.
  1564. The celery clot can be put in a jug jar or other halcyon container for up to 24 hours if stored in the refrigerator.

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