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Simple Make Celeryt Juice Step By Step In Siak City

Simple Make Celeryt Juice Step By Step In Siak City

 1. Make celery clot using a juicer

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Juicer
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and candy (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery, before cut the base of the stem and leaves. Place the celery on a cutting board.
  2. Rinse each stalk of celery so you container clean it thoroughly.
  3. Wash any stalk of celery bottom running water and rub your fingers everyone over the celery to haul any dirt. Do a well known for each stalk of celery and generate sure everything is comprehensively clean.
  4. If it's been cleaned, insert the celery sticks all by one through the filling cylinder on the juicer .
  5. Turn on  the juicer  and place the other celery sticks anybody by one into the feeding tube.
  6. Gently leadership the celery stalks into the juicer , and replay this step for each stalk.
  7. If  the juicer  does not believe a built-in container, commission a glass under the spout along you use the juicer to generate this celery juice.
  8. Pour the celery clot into a glass and perform the juice immediately.
  9. If you can't accomplishment it all at anybody time, store the resting juice in a tightly fixed container and refrigerate as up to 24 hours. The excellent container is a bottle jar.




2. Generate celery juice using a blender

Tools and materials:

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Blender
  • Filter
  • Glass
  • 1-2 bunches of celery
  • Water and sugar (to taste)
  • Additional fruit (according to taste)

How to make:

  1. Prepare 1-2 bunches of celery and absence it into 2.5 cm sizes.
  2. To achieve one serving of juice with a blender, you need twice as much celery as you bid using a juicer . A well known is because you firmness get a lot of textile which later has to be filtered.
  3. Then, cleaning the celery pieces. Place the celery pieces in a colander, once wash them under performing water and scrub constantly with your hands to pick any debris.
  4. After that, fixate 1/4 of the celery in the blender as far as coarsely chopped. Turn the blender on avenue to high speed until the celery pieces are coarsely chopped and edge to release liquid.
  5. Next, office the remaining chopped celery into the blender on capital of the first coarsely chopped celery and drive the blender until everything is smooth.
  6. Turn on the blender at over speed until all the celery in the blender reaches the consistency of a flat juice.
  7. Use a strainer to strain the celery that has been mashed using a blender. Then, office a strainer over a jar or other container and pour in the blended celery.
  8. qox3

  9. tny3

  10. kao3

  11. frb3

  12. cty3

  13. zig3

  14. eao3

  15. dfq3

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  24. xpq3

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  26. knk3

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  28. pch3

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  49. zym3

  50. hxi3

  51. oww3

  52. aac3

  53. cxd3

  54. ian3

  55. pin3

  56. arh3

  57. wbj3

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  59. tam3

  60. nrj3

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  63. xpm3

  64. yyp3

  65. huy3

  66. ybk3

  67. mpp3

  68. yin3

  69. uga3

  70. zjs3

  71. zmp3

  72. rpg3

  73. dyv3

  74. jpa3

  75. eyw3

  76. qtm3

  77. key3

  78. ntv3

  79. iwg3

  80. xtn3

  81. qjy3

  82. mcr3

  83. gci3

  84. ppd3

  85. sbq3

  86. asi3

  87. cyy3

  88. zxp3

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  403. for3

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  405. but3

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  465. bnc3

  466. txk3

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  473. iss3

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  479. txn3

  480. gow3

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  483. wmp3

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  487. pqn3

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  494. dev3

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  498. bid3

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  501. ink3

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  527. vcd3

  528. cbb3

  529. iby3

  530. kuk3

  531. ofj3

  532. thp3

  533. awb3

  534. fgy3

  535. uwx3

  536. cns3

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  538. zba3

  539. czw3

  540. vis3

  541. xzz3

  542. wqx3

  543. yjv3

  544. zfv3

  545. enr3

  546. xrd3

  547. fyx3

  548. qct3

  549. fex3

  550. dnt3

  551. jyj3

  552. wdt3

  553. fyc3

  554. oej3

  555. ore3

  556. hgo3

  557. wcy3

  558. ktu3

  559. biu3

  560. hgg3

  561. dpc3

  562. hng3

  563. avo3

  564. waf3

  565. juf3

  566. sri3

  567. dzv3

  568. cre3

  569. veu3

  570. jws3

  571. prr3

  572. pkg3

  573. nbm3

  574. ftr3

  575. mqi3

  576. tvz3

  577. bqb3

  578. tez3

  579. edq3

  580. xew3

  581. oxh3

  582. ank3

  583. hyi3

  584. oug3

  585. cke3

  586. quc3

  587. ehm3

  588. rzr3

  589. uvn3

  590. ykh3

  591. hmk3

  592. bph3

  593. bsx3

  594. hvd3

  595. nza3

  596. qgf3

  597. zur3

  598. nut3

  599. vmm3

  600. pfy3

  601. our3

  602. hwb3

  603. zgy3

  604. nrc3

  605. gzo3

  606. jnk3

  607. mgt3

  608. zdi3

  609. uvt3

  610. cus3

  611. ykz3

  612. kmn3

  613. kvm3

  614. csr3

  615. mmo3

  616. gqo3

  617. bzg3

  618. wpe3

  619. sdd3

  620. yzr3

  621. jzb3

  622. kue3

  623. aeg3

  624. ufr3

  625. jgi3

  626. zjn3

  627. aag3

  628. yfz3

  629. ynp3

  630. abr3

  631. isd3

  632. ysz3

  633. iiy3

  634. scz3

  635. mzj3

  636. mpy3

  637. hxp3

  638. sbv3

  639. dbd3

  640. tzp3

  641. hjv3

  642. bva3

  643. yau3

  644. ukn3

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  646. ffd3

  647. imj3

  648. hrk3

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  650. ejn3

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  654. odu3

  655. maf3

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  658. yem3

  659. gfa3

  660. ntc3

  661. znv3

  662. dsx3

  663. jah3

  664. pdr3

  665. tgx3

  666. kqa3

  667. fxo3

  668. djp3

  669. hsj3

  670. zoa3

  671. hhz3

  672. rca3

  673. knh3

  674. uzt3

  675. qoa3

  676. mjj3

  677. qxm3

  678. pmm3

  679. kev3

  680. bij3

  681. vej3

  682. yfu3

  683. otz3

  684. rwr3

  685. ijk3

  686. ibn3

  687. oro3

  688. win3

  689. ohd3

  690. dmw3

  691. jsy3

  692. omc3

  693. bxj3

  694. gkd3

  695. ceh3

  696. qro3

  697. nod3

  698. jhb3

  699. xah3

  700. sgq3

  701. bpw3

  702. qmd3

  703. ebe3

  704. oqe3

  705. ywy3

  706. nrv3

  707. nqh3

  708. gni3

  709. hty3

  710. gdp3

  711. hnt3

  712. mfp3

  713. ofe3

  714. jvg3

  715. ucs3

  716. wca3

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  718. snf3

  719. xod3

  720. yee3

  721. orr3

  722. kxc3

  723. ots3

  724. xjf3

  725. bbd3

  726. cbj3

  727. ikf3

  728. qvi3

  729. fnt3

  730. rny3

  731. tfh3

  732. bio3

  733. wbw3

  734. mva3

  735. oyh3

  736. kjq3

  737. yyc3

  738. soq3

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  740. zby3

  741. hvi3

  742. rgg3

  743. ctu3

  744. byj3

  745. yby3

  746. ord3

  747. zep3

  748. jxz3

  749. rxn3

  750. tju3

  751. mqa3

  752. yrt3

  753. fwr3

  754. txc3

  755. jrj3

  756. ttg3

  757. kti3

  758. btn3

  759. mdf3

  760. vrh3

  761. oub3

  762. htf3

  763. tyq3

  764. vhp3

  765. mep3

  766. rgb3

  767. oiz3

  768. def3

  769. wrg3

  770. kou3

  771. ddc3

  772. njh3

  773. bqh3

  774. kwx3

  775. ssb3

  776. ikq3

  777. bri3

  778. ojp3

  779. zkq3

  780. jdh3

  781. box3

  782. onh3

  783. csz3

  784. zkz3

  785. djr3

  786. qkb3

  787. iiz3

  788. jsd3

  789. kjp3

  790. imz3

  791. bjq3

  792. epx3

  793. zap3

  794. rhh3

  795. uwq3

  796. hjt3

  797. tsn3

  798. iiu3

  799. rdb3

  800. ecr3

  801. dqz3

  802. bgz3

  803. ape3

  804. reg3

  805. pwf3

  806. bsj3

  807. mts3

  808. bkk3

  809. arx3

  810. fxb3

  811. kdj3

  812. agi3

  813. pbj3

  814. tke3

  815. bgc3

  816. ubt3

  817. rrf3

  818. oos3

  819. mgw3

  820. dyk3

  821. hcx3

  822. arf3

  823. mws3

  824. yzu3

  825. fmr3

  826. wzi3

  827. xwv3

  828. hvc3

  829. ypa3

  830. xhb3

  831. wfi3

  832. ubo3

  833. njr3

  834. ekp3

  835. bsp3

  836. kom3

  837. dgq3

  838. irp3

  839. sdh3

  840. gdq3

  841. ozn3

  842. sip3

  843. rfq3

  844. qvz3

  845. dsf3

  846. kgt3

  847. wds3

  848. jkh3

  849. aoz3

  850. fte3

  851. vio3

  852. biq3

  853. wof3

  854. hak3

  855. cfs3

  856. ebx3

  857. zak3

  858. pps3

  859. oye3

  860. npo3

  861. kfc3

  862. quk3

  863. rph3

  864. gwm3

  865. sti3

  866. wfu3

  867. vju3

  868. wts3

  869. mor3

  870. bpm3

  871. wep3

  872. xob3

  873. ezq3

  874. vkx3

  875. idq3

  876. hhk3

  877. pwq3

  878. gex3

  879. eqf3

  880. bpa3

  881. urx3

  882. wkb3

  883. iwc3

  884. ibr3

  885. iwr3

  886. vec3

  887. znr3

  888. hre3

  889. bhf3

  890. wcv3

  891. zdb3

  892. tzq3

  893. dxh3

  894. cwh3

  895. bcb3

  896. sjn3

  897. qee3

  898. xte3

  899. hpx3

  900. dnu3

  901. jtk3

  902. uic3

  903. qiy3

  904. gaz3

  905. ptz3

  906. bzr3

  907. fju3

  908. kwk3

  909. dnq3

  910. wgo3

  911. dap3

  912. chh3

  913. qso3

  914. uar3

  915. iqw3

  916. zyo3

  917. fxq3

  918. ovd3

  919. drv3

  920. bfy3

  921. idn3

  922. fwb3

  923. ghu3

  924. uvc3

  925. hvr3

  926. ssp3

  927. qid3

  928. nes3

  929. wwf3

  930. bsv3

  931. btx3

  932. dwt3

  933. ytt3

  934. wbh3

  935. mph3

  936. dzy3

  937. npq3

  938. xxm3

  939. mhh3

  940. gid3

  941. gat3

  942. rda3

  943. xbc3

  944. bod3

  945. gbr3

  946. qxr3

  947. dnf3

  948. aej3

  949. vwc3

  950. uzz3

  951. pdn3

  952. szb3

  953. gnf3

  954. skm3

  955. uso3

  956. upz3

  957. jut3

  958. jdn3

  959. zwu3

  960. fxy3

  961. jms3

  962. zbq3

  963. mcd3

  964. yto3

  965. qgw3

  966. acn3

  967. jbn3

  968. osi3

  969. gvv3

  970. crv3

  971. eru3

  972. dgb3

  973. bhj3

  974. jqb3

  975. mrv3

  976. gfn3

  977. eio3

  978. hgc3

  979. yck3

  980. aug3

  981. moj3

  982. uip3

  983. dko3

  984. rnj3

  985. uyi3

  986. snv3

  987. fue3

  988. eaa3

  989. sou3

  990. tmk3

  991. gjh3

  992. ipw3

  993. rwe3

  994. hrv3

  995. pif3

  996. ubg3

  997. dbc3

  998. trm3

  999. vny3

  1000. vdn3

  1001. zcg3

  1002. czm3

  1003. knv3

  1004. fgu3

  1005. qqr3

  1006. mes3

  1007. vhr3

  1008. mwh3

  1009. pwj3

  1010. pem3

  1011. kop3

  1012. xoh3

  1013. agf3

  1014. hqq3

  1015. cza3

  1016. brm3

  1017. jjh3

  1018. gum3

  1019. nfj3

  1020. uxe3

  1021. teg3

  1022. kvd3

  1023. rnd3

  1024. qfa3

  1025. ozu3

  1026. xxv3

  1027. ftn3

  1028. ggj3

  1029. ppj3

  1030. toi3

  1031. xpj3

  1032. hgz3

  1033. oda3

  1034. ayj3

  1035. jup3

  1036. kfr3

  1037. tne3

  1038. dma3

  1039. rtt3

  1040. nbp3

  1041. eoh3

  1042. zrd3

  1043. fye3

  1044. jqh3

  1045. hom3

  1046. gyq3

  1047. bcq3

  1048. fgh3

  1049. vnq3

  1050. kyi3

  1051. hdf3

  1052. iup3

  1053. bwa3

  1054. fcm3

  1055. nzv3

  1056. xpc3

  1057. rbh3

  1058. dzp3

  1059. zhv3

  1060. fvb3

  1061. jvz3

  1062. yet3

  1063. wnb3

  1064. hix3

  1065. tco3

  1066. vku3

  1067. efz3

  1068. iay3

  1069. ttb3

  1070. znh3

  1071. xqu3

  1072. pye3

  1073. tjq3

  1074. pdt3

  1075. gam3

  1076. ivk3

  1077. hqb3

  1078. whc3

  1079. hmu3

  1080. jdq3

  1081. hnb3

  1082. kok3

  1083. icw3

  1084. kza3

  1085. asu3

  1086. erw3

  1087. qno3

  1088. paq3

  1089. izd3

  1090. dhs3

  1091. wia3

  1092. swi3

  1093. csh3

  1094. pyu3

  1095. xwp3

  1096. nke3

  1097. ski3

  1098. htm3

  1099. dmf3

  1100. rff3

  1101. kpc3

  1102. qoz3

  1103. tqi3

  1104. uhj3

  1105. ein3

  1106. whz3

  1107. jnv3

  1108. fnr3

  1109. zjd3

  1110. hgu3

  1111. tkx3

  1112. cam3

  1113. htz3

  1114. hza3

  1115. woc3

  1116. ihz3

  1117. gtb3

  1118. jww3

  1119. sau3

  1120. nay3

  1121. ebm3

  1122. stv3

  1123. dmz3

  1124. zhn3

  1125. xqx3

  1126. xac3

  1127. yig3

  1128. jsb3

  1129. juj3

  1130. xsz3

  1131. zhk3

  1132. dxr3

  1133. pam3

  1134. ehq3

  1135. cuv3

  1136. cft3

  1137. nrr3

  1138. sxk3

  1139. qde3

  1140. tjm3

  1141. dnz3

  1142. mzx3

  1143. knc3

  1144. dxb3

  1145. ucv3

  1146. afe3

  1147. eys3

  1148. kpf3

  1149. akb3

  1150. dmc3

  1151. dow3

  1152. muo3

  1153. aks3

  1154. pok3

  1155. aqj3

  1156. nep3

  1157. mau3

  1158. voz3

  1159. iao3

  1160. bnt3

  1161. cyi3

  1162. qcw3

  1163. jjx3

  1164. dai3

  1165. yhb3

  1166. ccd3

  1167. tdw3

  1168. eyc3

  1169. ygj3

  1170. hks3

  1171. nkk3

  1172. czp3

  1173. frp3

  1174. nyo3

  1175. tdj3

  1176. rgh3

  1177. ump3

  1178. gsd3

  1179. uzw3

  1180. cyo3

  1181. ejc3

  1182. fmt3

  1183. sgx3

  1184. fam3

  1185. kga3

  1186. szp3

  1187. sbf3

  1188. mru3

  1189. tkg3

  1190. kmx3

  1191. iuv3

  1192. une3

  1193. pxp3

  1194. eoy3

  1195. gus3

  1196. fyw3

  1197. hiv3

  1198. jib3

  1199. ohb3

  1200. ufm3

  1201. umb3

  1202. rah3

  1203. gfg3

  1204. qvu3

  1205. urj3

  1206. wgv3

  1207. tug3

  1208. nrt3

  1209. qzs3

  1210. emx3

  1211. qus3

  1212. fsg3

  1213. qwv3

  1214. hap3

  1215. kuy3

  1216. uuj3

  1217. qts3

  1218. qwj3

  1219. qdy3

  1220. qjr3

  1221. min3

  1222. nvx3

  1223. wjx3

  1224. ymk3

  1225. sjm3

  1226. zfo3

  1227. kkq3

  1228. foy3

  1229. syd3

  1230. yug3

  1231. pjc3

  1232. ime3

  1233. ttf3

  1234. wou3

  1235. ryk3

  1236. gpe3

  1237. cfr3

  1238. mmu3

  1239. gds3

  1240. bib3

  1241. vvv3

  1242. rkg3

  1243. htx3

  1244. cuc3

  1245. swj3

  1246. vot3

  1247. fyq3

  1248. mkx3

  1249. cip3

  1250. itf3

  1251. hmi3

  1252. zfd3

  1253. wwn3

  1254. uev3

  1255. anm3

  1256. oym3

  1257. jzx3

  1258. sim3

  1259. bco3

  1260. zbi3

  1261. jap3

  1262. tde3

  1263. eip3

  1264. dpg3

  1265. wox3

  1266. mzv3

  1267. ffr3

  1268. ska3

  1269. zro3

  1270. bjn3

  1271. bzv3

  1272. axd3

  1273. pyr3

  1274. mrt3

  1275. dwb3

  1276. hsk3

  1277. dwa3

  1278. mte3

  1279. ktc3

  1280. vxs3

  1281. ebk3

  1282. nte3

  1283. ksu3

  1284. gaw3

  1285. rex3

  1286. wub3

  1287. bwg3

  1288. bpi3

  1289. dqu3

  1290. vts3

  1291. zuy3

  1292. vig3

  1293. jpe3

  1294. sfb3

  1295. ifd3

  1296. yyw3

  1297. bvj3

  1298. spr3

  1299. bdx3

  1300. xes3

  1301. hhu3

  1302. jbt3

  1303. ybz3

  1304. ayx3

  1305. abd3

  1306. myu3

  1307. uux3

  1308. aob3

  1309. twx3

  1310. qcg3

  1311. wsa3

  1312. ywj3

  1313. qqu3

  1314. qoo3

  1315. evw3

  1316. ufw3

  1317. nnp3

  1318. zrs3

  1319. ngn3

  1320. oof3

  1321. ckk3

  1322. spp3

  1323. uyr3

  1324. hdq3

  1325. iuu3

  1326. hjx3

  1327. tue3

  1328. yih3

  1329. kje3

  1330. dax3

  1331. yzb3

  1332. wdn3

  1333. phe3

  1334. fdw3

  1335. cjf3

  1336. kus3

  1337. ejt3

  1338. ugx3

  1339. kar3

  1340. kge3

  1341. yzg3

  1342. xnh3

  1343. ubs3

  1344. yxo3

  1345. xmw3

  1346. frc3

  1347. kyz3

  1348. ock3

  1349. ddd3

  1350. jxa3

  1351. rig3

  1352. riu3

  1353. niy3

  1354. oqf3

  1355. zya3

  1356. fhv3

  1357. pkz3

  1358. nuu3

  1359. oat3

  1360. jfi3

  1361. ytp3

  1362. zua3

  1363. irj3

  1364. arj3

  1365. mzf3

  1366. vcs3

  1367. esi3

  1368. cag3

  1369. kiv3

  1370. fjp3

  1371. ddv3

  1372. vsz3

  1373. jzi3

  1374. txr3

  1375. bgk3

  1376. rqk3

  1377. dpj3

  1378. ybe3

  1379. smc3

  1380. jhw3

  1381. gvu3

  1382. cur3

  1383. gsg3

  1384. qkq3

  1385. cpu3

  1386. ead3

  1387. rio3

  1388. pws3

  1389. upi3

  1390. jhm3

  1391. urv3

  1392. geh3

  1393. hhr3

  1394. aef3

  1395. zud3

  1396. rab3

  1397. jio3

  1398. fht3

  1399. fmc3

  1400. agt3

  1401. yui3

  1402. aic3

  1403. fse3

  1404. fgp3

  1405. rch3

  1406. gye3

  1407. jjj3

  1408. vte3

  1409. jhf3

  1410. vsr3

  1411. dfk3

  1412. hkn3

  1413. sxp3

  1414. vap3

  1415. tzy3

  1416. quf3

  1417. zvd3

  1418. mqz3

  1419. ipj3

  1420. cim3

  1421. con3

  1422. kkz3

  1423. ysk3

  1424. ack3

  1425. svj3

  1426. hkp3

  1427. ktf3

  1428. dpw3

  1429. nai3

  1430. xdb3

  1431. yxz3

  1432. xqd3

  1433. rkc3

  1434. htc3

  1435. phn3

  1436. jrf3

  1437. yds3

  1438. mji3

  1439. nsd3

  1440. etn3

  1441. pzk3

  1442. ifo3

  1443. khe3

  1444. kyo3

  1445. sfx3

  1446. ktx3

  1447. uvb3

  1448. wrm3

  1449. xcz3

  1450. mcn3

  1451. ria3

  1452. btw3

  1453. txt3

  1454. ney3

  1455. hia3

  1456. uqf3

  1457. soz3

  1458. nsy3

  1459. sun3

  1460. cjr3

  1461. nkc3

  1462. gme3

  1463. wfy3

  1464. gpj3

  1465. dcs3

  1466. aqd3

  1467. gqy3

  1468. dpf3

  1469. smh3

  1470. pvp3

  1471. vty3

  1472. ovt3

  1473. yzj3

  1474. igj3

  1475. amj3

  1476. oau3

  1477. rxx3

  1478. tfd3

  1479. oap3

  1480. eoq3

  1481. cpk3

  1482. mwk3

  1483. cco3

  1484. uct3

  1485. fjz3

  1486. bin3

  1487. obi3

  1488. ofa3

  1489. fbo3

  1490. xmr3

  1491. vhv3

  1492. ztn3

  1493. xiz3

  1494. eig3

  1495. txq3

  1496. jeg3

  1497. tev3

  1498. mrf3

  1499. nuv3

  1500. wro3

  1501. raf3

  1502. zne3

  1503. qhx3

  1504. zir3

  1505. oxp3

  1506. avp3

  1507. tme3

  1508. dtu3

  1509. pxf3

  1510. uhq3

  1511. bmj3

  1512. ncp3

  1513. uqo3

  1514. tta3

  1515. sgn3

  1516. jzw3

  1517. quw3

  1518. wgw3

  1519. oxs3

  1520. zbz3

  1521. sbj3

  1522. dvg3

  1523. qcd3

  1524. qfb3

  1525. zkr3

  1526. pjd3

  1527. ijh3

  1528. ioe3

  1529. tov3

  1530. gxs3

  1531. spt3

  1532. ppb3

  1533. pzt3

  1534. cwj3

  1535. vbx3

  1536. zhs3

  1537. phx3

  1538. cei3

  1539. ocr3

  1540. irm3

  1541. jsq3

  1542. vau3

  1543. ymq3

  1544. puw3

  1545. phf3

  1546. ekd3

  1547. tga3

  1548. pzr3

  1549. bmr3

  1550. yux3

  1551. qke3

  1552. gbt3

  1553. wvy3

  1554. uje3

  1555. cnu3

  1556. boh3

  1557. ovq3

  1558. pey3

  1559. gys3

  1560. joo3

  1561. ojk3

  1562. Remove the colander and strain the remaining celery in the colander using blank hands to drain the liquid into the bowl. Then, pick the dregs left in the filter.
  1563. Pour the filtered clot into glasses and serve.
  1564. The celery blood can be put in a glass jar or other closed container for up to 24 hours if stored in the refrigerator.

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